Scottish Saltire - St. Andrew's Cross Scotland from the Roadside... a journey round Scotland!

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Scotland from the Roadside Calendar

Scotland from the Roadside 2015 CalendarsFor 2015, Scotland from the Roadside will be producing a calendar with proceeds raised being donated to Scottish Mountain Rescue.

The price for each calendar is £7.50 with postage and packaging as follows:

  • To Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales - £2.00 for one calendar plus £1.50 for each additional calendar;
  • To Europe - £4.50 for one calendar plus £3.30 for each additional calendar;
  • To US and Canada - £6.00 for one calendar plus £4.50 for each additional calendar;
  • To Australia and New Zealand - £6.50 for one calendar plus £5.00 for each additional calendar.

Note the above prices for posting additional calendars is based on up to 5 being ordered; if you want more feel free to get in touch for a more accurate figure.

First of all, our preferred payment method is PayPal:

  • When you log in to paypal you should see at the top a link that says "Send and Request";
  • Click that and then select "Send Money to Friends or Family";
  • Add the email address (), the amount and please ensure the last box displays GBP;
  • Add a note to confirm the number of calendars you require and please make sure your address is included;
  • Click send.

Once you have done all that we should get a note of your payment, your address and the above note. Can you please ensure that your address is up to date!

If you don't want to use PayPal then we would accept a cheque. If you wish to use this payment method then please make the cheque payable to Linda Curran and then send either myself or Linda a message so we can pass on our address.

Always specify how many calendars you would like so that we can ensure the right numbers are sent out and that we can order more if we need to. Please also make sure you include your full address.

Last dates for ordering calendars using PayPal will be as follows:

  • To Scotland, England and Wales - 15 December;
  • To Europe (including Ireland) - 10 December;
  • To US and Canada - 6 December;
  • To Australia and New Zealand - 30 November.

For other payment methods, time will be required for the payment to clear by the above dates to allow us to ensure the calendars are delivered as soon as possible.

I hope I have covered everything here, but feel free to ask if you have any questions.

The photos for the calendar are as follows:

The calendar will be produced by Design Print Advertise Ltd in Stirling.

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Scotland from the Roadside 2002-11 - e-mail southernhighlands/glencoe.htm" with any comments!