Photo of the Month
Note that the copyright for all the photos shown in the above
sections belong
to the photographers!
- Only members of the Scotland from the Roadside
forum can enter and vote. It
is free to join the forum and the only requirement upon joining is that you
make at least one post; once you have done this then you can take part in the
Photo of the Month even if you take no further part in the forum itself!
- Only one photo, which must be taken in Scotland or have a Scottish
connection*, can be entered per person per month. Photos to be your own
work, but don’t have to be taken in the month they are entered for.
- Photos to be submitted by the 15th of the month; any photos received after
this date will be used the following month.
- Once submitted a photo cannot be changed; this does not apply to photos
submitted after the 15th, but these can only be changed up to the end of the
month in which they were submitted. (E-mail to
- Photos will be displayed in a gallery from the time they are received.
Please provide some information with the photo that can also be displayed in
the gallery.
- Voting will be allowed from the 16th until the 25th of the month; if there
are less than 12 photos entered there will be 1 vote per person; if there are
12 or more photos entered then there will be 2 votes per person! (We would
prefer it if you didn’t vote for your own photo!)
- In the event of 2 or more photos receiving the same number of votes, a new
vote will be started and run for 7 days; this will be repeated until there is
a clear winner.
- The winning photo will be displayed on the Scotland from the Roadside
page for a month.
- All winning photos will be displayed in another gallery and, at the end of the
year, will be entered in to a Photo of the Year competition, which will be run
in the first week of January. The winner will be displayed on the Scotland
from the Roadside home page for a year. In the event of 2 or more photos
receiving the same number of votes, a new vote will be started and run for 7
days; this will be repeated until there is a clear winner.
* Check out the
International Photo of the Month competition for photos taken around the

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