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Southern Scotland
Inner Hebrides (South)
Coll & Tiree

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Coll & Tiree

The islands of Coll and Tiree are located in the Inner Hebrides to the west of Mull. To reach the islands a ferry runs from Oban to Arinagour on Coll and then travels on to Tiree.

Tiree lies to the southwest of Coll and is the furthest of the Inner Hebridean islands from the mainland. It is also said to be the sunniest and windiest place in Britain. On the southern tip of the island is the signal tower for the Skerryvore lighthouse, which . The tower was restored and converted into the Skerryvore Lighthouse Museum.

The lighthouse itself lies to the southwest of Tiree and was built from 1838-44 by Alan Stevenson. Its name is derived from the Gaelic sgeir mhor, big rock.

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Scotland from the Roadside 2002-10 - e-mail southernhighlands/glencoe.htm" with any comments!